Wednesday, February 29, 2012

10 things that make life all the sweeter because they exist


  1. color

    they make life so...colorful. vivid. beautiful. I think that has something to do with my new design. the subtle but much existing multitude of color.


  2. typewriters

    lovely, vintage <3


  3. music

    even though I know it's one I include pretty much all the time.


  4. bible

    I forget to read it so much. and as I'm gearing up for Fine Arts I've been trying more and more to really get into the word. I think I'm going to be entering the Short Sermon category this year and the idea simultaneously thrills me and scares me half to death.


  5. maps & dreams

    they keep going hand in hand...I've been taking apart an old atlas lately to use the maps for various things. it's just so artsy and fun!


  6. friends

    this picture pretty much sums it up. ;-) thanks Lauren, Eric and guys should just know you're awesome


  7. art

    you should seriously check out my art board on pinterest. so much awesomeness. There's just so much I could barely choose which to have as the picture accompanying this.


  8. writing

    another recurring item on my list of things that make life sweet.


  9. Scotland

    I want to go. so very, very bad.


  10. epic doors / architecture

    I kind of can't help but look at all of them. the colors and designs. just too cool.


Eric said...

In love with this post.....

Scribbler said...

I love the photos :D

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