Monday, January 17, 2011

Journey to Fine Arts Fund

Every time I go on Etsy, I find more things to add to my list of a million-and-one-things I wish I could buy.

It never fails...

But right now, I have no money to spend willy-nilly! (yes! I did actually just type that ;-) Because...not only do I need to replace things like the camera (-_- long, sad, terrible story...) and my computer battery (my laptop is currently reduced to desktop status) but first and foremost, I need to put some money toward my journey to district Fine Arts Festival.

Thankfully, some awesome provision from my local Assembly of God (thank you Jesus!) so that I can make it, but I've also undertaken the task of earning money for it myself.

Which, as some of you will know, is no easy feat where I live.

Why, you may wonder?

Well, not only are there a limited and rather meager job opportunities in my little community, but most of them require the applicant to either be over the age of 18 or have the ability to actually drive...neither attributes do I possess.

And then of course theres the fact that I'd rather not take away a job from someone who does need it to provide for a family.

Oh, and did I mention I don't babysit?

But I do believe I have gotten off track *sigh*.

Because of the lack of jobedness, it has been in the works for several months for me to make my own job.

How you may ask?

I am opening a little shoppe called 'The Forgotten Corner' (some of you may catch the correlation to my photography, Forgotten Corner Photography) both via Etsy, and physically in the building my family owns/occupies.

And so it is, that I direct you to my Etsy Shop, The Forgotten Corner as it is the manner in which I am raising money for my journey to district Fine Arts Festival in addition to odd-jobs I may find in town.

While the pickings of creations are currently next to none on Etsy, have no fear, I have been working on some creations to post and hopefully will have more available, soon.

So feel free to look (no pressure ;-) and share with friends, family or anyone who might be interested!

{Fine Arts Festival is a discipleship tool of national youth ministries designed to "help students discover, develop and deploy their ministry gifts."
For more information on what Fine Arts is, you can visit (NOTE: this website is for nationals which, depending on how well I do at districts and funds, I may or may not be attending)}

Thank you for reading my infomercial of a post ;-)

God Bless~

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