You see, with all of my planning and figuring out my submissions and how to pay for Fine Arts, I had almost completely forgot about a place to stay...which, when your many hours away from home, is rather important.
My registration was required to be post-marked by Friday (the 25th) and on Wednesday, my mother and I were greeted with frustration as everyone that we knew lived close enough to the city where Fine Arts Festival is being held declared it was "too far in the future" to plan. (Its barely two months from now)
The Sunday before, I had been talking with the pastor of the AOG church that is sponsoring me (and that I go to...if I don't miss my alarm clock...) and he said that, in the event my mom and I couldn't find a place to stay, he would make some calls.
And so it was, I hurriedly messaged him to let him know that we had no place to stay, and my mom preferred that one be lined up before I sent in my registration...barely a couple days away.
Both I, family and friends all prayed. I was prepared to take a leap of faith and just mail my registration in anyway, Friday morning, a wonderful couple (who live barely 45 min [and thats in traffic!] from where FA is being held) decided to open their home to us!
Total God-Thing!
Then again, the whole entire deal has been a God-Thing.
From finally being presented with the information to be able to enter, to funding, to the inspiration for my entries, and of course; a place to stay.
God provides, doesn't He?
Yes, yes He does ;-)
If you guys wouldn't mind heading on over to my test blog (where, surprisingly enough, I test designs) and tell me what you think because I've been considering changing my design to the one I have up there!